Project, Web Catering JembarSariRasa
Juli 2019 - September 2019
Build a web-based application using laravel which is used by the owner of jembar sari rasa in managing his catering business, starting from transactions, equipment management & equipment rental
Someah Kreatif Nusantara, Internship
August 2018 - September 2018
I help build an android application that is used for credit merchant , to facilitate their transactions. Im working as Android Developers
Freecodecamp - Responsive Web Design
28 June 2021
in this course held by freecodecamp I learned the basics of html and css, how to make a responsive website that can be opened by multiple screens and devices, at the end of the course I was given several projects to create a responsive website
Freecodecamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
9 August 2021
This course which is also held by freecodecamp, I learned the fundamentals of javascript and how it works, besides that I also learned algorithms and data structures. At the end of the course, several projects are also given to complete
Dicoding - Belajar Dasar Git dengan Github
30 July 2021
I was taught how git works starting from the basics of git, how to do push, pull, fork, merge which I find very useful when I do programming
BuildWithAngga - Full-Stack JavaScript Developer
14 September 2021
I learned how fullstack applications work completely starting with creating designs using figma, creating frontend and then backend, using MERN(mongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, & NodeJS).
I’m currently doing challenge from frontendmentor.io, where they give me design and brief, and then i turn it into code, currently i completed 14 challenges.